
In View of:


To Stipulate:



Article 1

In this Decree:

Article 2

(1) Therapeutic product that has been marketed in the territory of Indonesia and/or aims to be exported must have a distribution license.

(2) In order to obtain a distribution license as intended in paragraph (1), the applicant should submit a registration application.


Article 3

(1) In obtaining drug distribution license, a drug should fulfil the below main criteria:

(2) Besides the criteria as intended in paragraph (1) other below criteria should also be fulfilled:

(3) The criteria for the public health need and affordability of the society as intended in paragraph (2) c, is stipulated separately by the Head of Agency.


Part one
Applicant of Domestically Manufactured Products

Article 4

(1) Domestically manufactured products include drug without license, drug under license and contracted drug.

(2) Applicant of drug without license, drug under license as intended in paragraph (1) are pharmaceutical industry from license or at least a principle license for pharmaceutical industry from the Head of Agency or an approval from foreign capital investment board.

(3) Pharmaceutical industry as intended in paragraph (1) has an obligation to fulfil the CPOB criteria.

(4) Applicant of Contracted drug as intended in paragraph (1) is a contracting party which is a pharmaceutical industry or other agency.

(5) The provision on the criteria for other agency as contracting party as intended in paragraph (4) is stipulated separately by the head of agency.

Part Two
Applicant of Imported Drugs

Article 5

(1) Applicant of imported drug is a domestic pharmaceutical industry or pharmaceutical wholesaler which has obtained a written appointment letter from an overseas pharmaceutical industry or product owner.

(2) Overseas pharmaceutical industry as intended in paragraph (1) oblige to fulfil the CPOB criteria which must be proven by appropriate documents or if it is deemed necessary to be inspected locally b an authorized GMP inspector.

(3) Provision on the inspection procedure as intended in paragraph (2), is stipulated separately by the Head of Agency.

Part Three
Applicant of Drug for Export Only

Article 6

(1) Applicant of drug for export only should be a pharmaceutical industry.

(2) Drugs for export only as intended in paragraph (1) should fulfil the criteria as intended in Article (3), unless accompanied by a written approval from the destination country.

Part Four
Applicant of Patent Protected Drug

Article 7

(1) Applicant of patented drugs in Indonesia is a domestic pharmaceutical industry as patent holder, or other pharmaceutical industry or pharmaceutical wholesaler which has obtained a patent transferred from the patent holder following the valid patent provision in Indonesia.

(2) Patent ownership as intended in paragraph (1) should be proven with a patent certificate.

(3) Patent transfer as intended in paragraph (1) should be proven by a proof of transfer following the valid provision.

Part Five
Responsibility of the applicant

Article 8

(1) The Applicant is responsible for:

(2) Each revision as intended in paragraph (1) d should have an approval from the Head of Agency.


Part One
Classification of Drug Registration

Article 9

(1) Drug is classified into therapeutic class.

(2) Therapeutic class as intended in paragraph (1) is based on the classification on Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC).

Part Two
Category Drug Registration

Article 10

(1) Drug registrations are categorized into registration of new and registration of drug variations.

(2) New drug registration as intended in paragraph (1) consist of:

(3) Registration of drug variation as intended in paragraph (1) consists of:


Part One

Article 11

(1) Drug registration shall be submitted by the applicant to the Head of the Agency.

(2) Drug registration consist of 2 (two) stages, that is pre-registration and submission of the registration documents.

(3) Submission of the registration documents as intended in paragraph (2) is conducted by using registration forms and floppy disks, completed with supporting documents following valid provisions.

(4) Registration data, related to evaluation and analysis of drug is confidentially protected by the Head of Agency.

Part Two

Article 12

Pre-registration is a registration procedure that is conducted to decide the evaluation Path and the completeness of drug registration documents for category 1, category 2, category 3, category 4, category 5, category 6, and category 7 as intended in Article 10.

Article 13

(1) Pre-registration application must contain documents as stipulated in Attachment 2 and completed with the search result of drug trade name.

(2) Pre-registration documents as intended in paragraph (1) will be used to consider the evaluation Path accordance with Attachment 3 and must be completed with administrative documents as stipulated in Attachment 4.

(3) Criteria for evaluation Path as stipulated in paragraph (2) must comply with Attachment 5 and if it is deemed necessary completed with the details of independent assessment report following Attachment 6.

(4) Drug name meant in paragraph (1) night be a generic name or a trade name based on General Guideline of Drug Name following Attachment 7.

Article 14

The result of pre-registration will be communicated to the applicant in writing and it is binding.

Part Three
Registration Application

Article 15

(1) Registration application is conducted by submitting registration documents, than is by completing registration form and floppy disk and attaching the receipt of payment of evaluation and registration fee and the result of pre-registration.

(2) Registration form or floppy disk as intended in paragraph (1) shall be supplied by the directorate of Drug and Biological Product Evaluation.

Article 16

(1) Upon Drug Registration, applicant is obliged to pay evaluation fee.

(2) Evaluation fee as intended in paragraph (1), is in conformity with the provisions of Government Regulation on the Tariff of a type of non tax state income (PNBP) valid to Drug and Food Supervisory Agency.

Article 17

(1) For the purpose of evaluation on quality, applicant should submit drug sample for 3 (three) times of analysis and standard raw material conform to the specification and method of analysis of the active ingredient of the objective drug.

(2) Copy drug is an exception of the provisions as intended in paragraph (1), submission of drug sample and standard raw material will be requested, if deemed necessary.

(3) The executions of the submission of drug sample and standard raw material as intended in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) will be stipulated separately by the Head of Agency.

Article 18

Registration of contracted drug, drug under license, and imported drug, beside follows the provisions of drug registration, also should follow to the provisions in Attachment 8.

Part Four
Registration Dossier

Article 19

(1) Registration documents as intended in Article 15 paragraph (1) consists of registration forms with the administrative documents and supporting documents.

(2) Administrative document as mean in paragraph (1) is the document that must be fulfilled for drug registration in line with Attachment 4.

Article 20

Supporting documents as intended in Article 19 paragraph (1) consist of:

Article 21

(1) Registration form as intended in Article 19 paragraph (1) should be completed with:

(2) Package design artwork as intended in paragraph (1) a specification for generic drug, follow provisions on the standard specifications of generic drug.

(3) Minimum information that should be printed on the package design as intended in paragraph (1) a and paragraph (2) should follow to the stipulation in Attachment 14.

(4) Minimum information that should be printed on the brochure as intended in paragraph (1) b should follow to the stipulation in Attachment 15.

Article 22

(1) For new registration as intended in the Article 10 paragraph (2), the submitted documents should consist of floppy disk that has been completed following the data in Form A and form of Forms A, Form B1, Form B2, Form B3, Form B4, Form C1, Form C2, Form C3, Form D, and supporting documents for new registration for each category following Attachment 16.

(2) Registration documents of copy drug with an active ingredient that has already been available in the Electronic Information Standard (STINEL), consist of floppy disk with the data in Form A and Form B21-13, and documents of Form A, Form B1, Form B214, Form B4, Form C1, and Form D.

(3) Registration documents of copy drug with an active ingredient that has no STINEL, consist of a floppy disk with the data in Form A and Form A, Form B1, Form B2, Form B3, Form C1, and Form D.

Article 23

For registration drug variations as intended in Article 10 paragraph (3), the submitted documents consist of a floppy disk which has been completed following data in Form A and the forms and supporting documents for registration of drug variations as stipulated in Attachment 17.

Part Five

Article 24

(1) Registration forms as intended in Article 19 consists of:

(2) Registration forms as intended in paragraph (1) following Attachment 18.

Part Six
Forms Completion

Article 25

(1) Completion of registration forms and registration documents should follow the below provisions:

(2) Guideline for the completion of registration forms conform to Attachment 19.

(3) In completing registration forms as intended in paragraph (2), the description of active and inactive ingredients must conform to Attachment 20.

Part Seven

Article 26

(1) Toward drug registration documents which has fulfilled the provision as intended in Article 15 and Article 16, shall be evaluated in compliance with the provisions as intended in Article 3.

(2) Evaluation as intended in paragraph (1) shall be grouped into new drug and biological product evaluation and copy drug evaluation.

(3) The execution of evaluation for new drug registration is proceed through Path I (one), Path II (two) or Path III (three).

Article 27

(1) Drugs that will be evaluated through path I (one) are:

(2) Drugs as intended in paragraph (1) are stipulated by the Head of Agency.

Article 28

Drugs that will be evaluated through Path II (two) are:

Article 29

Drugs that are not included in Article 27 and Article 28 will be evaluated through Path III (three).

Article 30

(1) For the execution of evaluation, a national Committee on Drug Evaluation (KOMNAS POJ) has been founded.

(2) Organization, Task and Functions of KOMNAS POJ as intended in paragraph (1) are stipulated separately by the Head of Agency.

Article 31

(1) In case of further requirement of additional data for evaluation, the head of the National Agency will issue a written request by using a format conform with Attachment 21.

(2) Applicant is obliged to submit additional data as intended in paragraph (1) within 120 (one hundred and twenty) days from the date of letter issuance.

(3) In case of applicant was unable to fulfil the provisions as intended in paragraph (2) the Head of Agency will issue a letter of rejection of the registration by using a format conform with Attachment 22.

(4) In case of registration that is rejected as intended in paragraph (3), the applicant can resubmit a new registration with the documents as intended in Article 15 and completed with additional data as intended in paragraph (2).

Article 32

The result of efficacy and safety from KOMNAS POJ (National Committee of Drug Evaluation) will be informed in written form to the applicant with a format conform with Attachment 23.

Part Eight
Decision Issuance

Article 33

(1) Based on the recommendation of KOMNAS POJ, the Head of the National Agency will issue a decision form distribution license by using a format which following Attachment 24 or will reject by using a format conform with Attachment 25.

(2) The timelines for decision issuance as intended in paragraph (1), will be issued after receiving complete registration documents:

Part Nine

Article 34

(1) In case of any objection upon/toward the result of efficacy and safety evaluation from KOMNAS POJ as intended in Article 32, applicant could submit a written application for hearing to the Head of Agency.

(2) The application as intended in paragraph (1) should be submitted within 15 working days from date of issuance letter of the result of efficacy and safety evaluation.

Part Ten

Article 35

(1) In case any objection upon rejection of a registration as intended in Article 33 paragraph (1), applicant could submit a written request for appeals to the Head of Agency.

(2) Appeals as intended in paragraph (1) should be submitted within 6 months from the rejection date and the applicant can obtain two chances of appeals.

(3) Appeals should be completed with new data and/or the data that has ever been submitted with accomplishment of justification.

Part Eleven
Resubmission of Drug Registration

Article 36

In case of the rejection of registration for the reason of safety and efficacy, resubmission may be applied after 1 (one) year from the date of rejection.

Part Twelve
Issuance of Distribution license

Article 37

(1) Distribution license as intended in Article 33 paragraph (1) is granted only to the applicant that fulfil the criteria of:

(2) Distribution license will be valid for 5 (five) years and should fulfil the valid provisions.

(3) Renewal of drug distribution license is stipulated separately by the Head of Agency.


Article 38

(1) Applicant which has obtained distribution license obliged to produce or import or distribute drug within 12 (twelve) months after the approval date issuance.

(2) Execution of activities as intended in paragraph (1) should be reported and submit the marketed unit pack to the Head of Agency.

(3) Submission of ready to distribute marketed unit pack as intended in paragraph (2) shall be executed at least within 1 (one) month before the implementation of production, import or drug distribution.

(4) Pay annual fee of distribution license in compliance with the valid provisions.

(5) Annual fee as intended in paragraph (4) is stipulated separately by the Head of Agency.

Article 39

(1) Execution of drug import must be completed with Certificate of Analysis for each batch.

(2) Execution of vaccine for domestic distribution and export should obtain a Certification of batch release by the Head of Agency.

(3) Execution of vaccines imported should obtain a Certification of Batch Release by the Head of Agency or Authorized Agency Staff from the original county where production take place.

(4) Import of narcotic and psychotropic containing drug execution are stipulated separately by the Head of Agency.


Article 40

(1) The drug that has been granted distribution license can be re-evaluated/have periodic reviews by the Head of Agency.

(2) Re-evaluation on a marketed drug will be done upon:

(3) Upon drug which is re-evaluated as intended in paragraph (2) pharmaceutical industry/applicant is obliged to withdraw this drug from the market.

(4) Re-evaluation is also applicable for the improvement of composition and drug formula.


Article 41

The Head of Agency may cancel distribution license by using a format conform with Attachment 26, in case of one of the below:


Article 42

The applicants who manufacture and/or distribute counterfeit drug will receive a sanction following the provisions of valid rules of law.

Article 43

(1) Any individual who distribute finished drug that is not in compliance with the provisions in this decree, will be sanctioned with a punishment following provisions of valid rules of law.

(2) Beside a sanction of punishment as intended in paragraph (1), an administrative sanction will be executed in the form of:


Article 44

All provisions on the rules of law concerning the procedure of drug registration already issued before the stipulation of this decree, shall remain valid as long as they are not contradiction and/or being substituted with the provisions of this decree.

Article 45

This decree effective as of the date of stipulation and shall be amended and improved if in future a revision is needed.

For public cognizance, this decree shall be published in the Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On May 14, 2003
Head of Drug and Food Supervisory Agency